Sole Proprietorship Registration in 7 days

Minimum compliance & documents required as compared to other business types

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    For a limited time period, get your Sole Proprietorship registered online for ₹6,999 All Inclusive, Just submit your details and our business expert will get on a call with you to explain the process

    Why You Need To Register A Sole Proprietorship?

    A Sole Proprietorship provides maximum privacy to its owners and has aneasy establishment and operational process.



    Service Pick

    We help you pick the right government registration.

    Vendor Connect

    We connect you with a verified vendor to file the application.

    Receipt of Registration

    We offer continuous support until you receive the registration.

    What is a Sole Proprietorship?

    The term “sole proprietorship” refers to a business owned and managed by a single individual. This type of business can be incorporated in 15 days, making it one of the most popular types of businesses to start in the unsystematic sector, particularly among merchants and small traders. As a sole proprietorship business, no registration is required since it has alternate registrations such as GST registration. However, its liability is unlimited, and it also does not exist in perpetuity.
    Register Your Sole Proprietorship Firm Online in India | GLADS Associates/sole proprietorship, sole proprietorship meaning, what is sole proprietorship, sole tradership, proprietorship firm, sole proprietorship registration, advantages of sole proprietorship, proprietorship firm registration, what is a proprietor, proprietorship registration

    Checklist Items for a Sole Proprietorship Registration

    Certificates or licenses issued by municipal authorities under the Shop and Establishment Act.
    Licenses issued by registration authorities, such as the Certificate of Practice, are issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.
    Registration/licensing documents are issued by the Central Government or by the State Government Authority/Department, etc.
    Banks may also accept the IEC (Importer Exporter Code) issued by the DGFT office as an identity document for opening bank accounts, etc.
    Complete Income Tax return (not just acknowledgement) in the name of the sole proprietor, duly authenticated and acknowledged by the Income Tax Authorities.
    Utility bills such as electricity, water, and telephone bills in the name of the proprietary concern.
    Issue of GST Registration/Certificate.

    How GLADS Associates Executes A Sole Proprietorship Registration Procedure

    Professional Guidance

    We provide professional guidance on many of the procedures involved in registering your business as a sole proprietorship, as well as registering for service tax, sales tax, import/export codes, and professional taxes.

    Vendor Relationship

    We will connect you with an established vendor who will book your application and keep you informed of its progress. The vendors we have on board are highly experienced and skilled in the management of native registratio

    15 Business Days

    We will provide full assistance with the registration process. It could take between 5 and 15 days, depending on the task at hand for the authorities involved.

    What Documents Are Required For A Sole Proprietorship Registration?

    A sole proprietorship requires the following documents:

    Address and identity proof.
    PAN card, KYC documents .
    Rent agreement or sale deed (in the case of Shops & Establishments Act Registration).

    What Are The Documents Required For Opening A Current Account?

    The following documents are required in order to open a current account:

    Proof of the existence of your business.
    Shops & Establishments Act Registration.
    PAN card.
    Address and Identity proof.

    Why GLADS Associates?

    Access To Experts

    Our firm provides access to reliable legal professionals and coordinates with them to meet all of your legal needs.

    Realistic Expectations

    Our team handles all the paperwork, ensuring a seamless interaction with the government. Our goal is to set realistic expectations regarding the incorporation process.

    Strong Team

    With a team of experienced business advisors and legal professionals at your disposal, you are only a phone call away from the highest quality legal assistance.


    FAQs on Sole Proprietorship Firm Registration

    A sole proprietorship can be formed by any Indian citizen who has a current account in the name of their business. A registration may or may not be required, depending on the type of business to be established. However, banks typically require a Shops & Establishments Registration in order to open a current account.

    A sole proprietorship takes not more than 15 days to set up and begin operating. Due to its simplicity, it is popular among small traders and merchants. Obviously, it is also much more affordable. It is for this reason that it is the most widely used form of business organization.

    This depends on the type of business you operate. It is compulsory for any business whose turnover in a financial year exceeds ₹20 lakhs (₹10 lakhs in the case of North Eastern states) to get a GST registration. The Shops and Establishments Act requires registration for businesses that sell goods or services to customers from a commercial establishment.

    It depends on what kind of business you're in. It is compulsory for any business whose turnover in a financial year exceeds ₹20 lakhs (₹10 lakhs in the case of North Eastern states) to get a GST registration. Generally, it is necessary for businesses that are involved in the sale of goods or services to customers out of a commercial establishment to register under the Shops and Establishments Act.

    Yes, it is much cheaper to run an LLP than it is to run a private limited company. Most of the reasons for this are that LLPs are subject to compliance procedures, such as an audit, only when their turnover is substantial. In their first year, LLPs spend about half as much on registrations and compliance as private limited companies.

    The procedure involved is somewhat tedious, but it is possible. In most cases, sole proprietorships convert to partnerships or private limited companies at a later stage.

    Yes, it is much more cost-effective to run an LLP than it is to run a private limited company, especially in the early stages of your company's development. This is because many compliance requirements, such as an audit, apply to LLPs only after they attain a certain level of turnover. In their first year, LLPs typically spend about half as much on registrations and compliance as private limited companies.

    It is necessary to have at least two people to form an LLP in India. A minimum of one of the partners of the LLP should be both an Indian citizen and an Indian resident, similar to the requirement for registering a company in India.


      • 189, Deepak Vihar, Near Green Valley Public School, Najafgarh, New Delhi-110043
      • +91 9711023115
        +91 9711114297

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